Title Tempest
Are titles important? What would the impact have been on these famous works if they had used these alternate titles?
"The Bridge" by Edvard Munch

"Squiggles" by Vincent VanGogh 

"The Soda Jerk" by Edward Hopper

"The Smirk" ...

and "Bad Breath" by Leonardo Da Vinci.
But a photographer might snap as many pictures in an afternoon as an easel artist paints in a career. If he were to title each he might come to the agonizing realization that a lot of his pictures bear striking similarities, that he pretty much keeps taking the same half-dozen pictures over and over again.

But do we really want our works to be known as "dcr112378.jpg" or some such? What is the right approach? Hopefully you're not expecting an answer from me at this point, but I can proffer this -
Title only for good reason, and after careful consideration....
I have so much problems naming my pictures.
When I look at other peoples pics and their name is creative I go back to the image and look at it with the title in mind and often it improves the image.
Your title works well by the way.
miike - I think the "when in doubt leave em out" rule applies. I have the opposite problem, a weakness for wanting to put clever titles on everything. People tend to forget the titles anyway and make up their own, "the fat guy eating the apple", or
"the blonde on the cell phone" etc.
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