Friday, April 25, 2008


x ("Riddle Road" acrylic on 15x30 canvas by bONGO)

As street photographers we rarely know the motive, the "why" of the actions we capture.
We have at least a physical description of the "who", and we know the "where", "when" and "how",... but the "why we can only surmise. Maybe that mystery is part of the charm, part of what makes street photography work...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Things Nobody Told You #4

We didn't start the fire....

It was always burning since the world's been turning...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Things Nobody Told You #3

"there are exceptions, but mostly sp seems to be a passing moment in most photogs' lives. The expenditure of energy and time, the daily grind, for the usual meager return (and diminishing returns), naturally wears you down, particularly if you're not a pro." Noll Lluma

I'm not there yet but I can see how you could get there from here. This will be my summer of sanguine solace. I will be the first one on the street and I will be the last one on the bus back home.
soldier on...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


One segment of society not to be overlooked by the street photographer is the city worker, the shop keeper, the maintenance men, the working people that make the city go.

Bums, kids, dogs and city workers...

about the only ones that still do something besides shopping, talking on cell phones or drinking lattes.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back To The Future

Sigma's new DP1 - 28mm fixed lens APS foveon sensor pocket camera comes with an LCD screen, but the optical view finder is an extra $150. Even though I don't have the camera yet, I figured while I'm waiting I'd see if I could come up with a less expensive and perhaps better finder for it. I looked around for a cheap camera that I could hack the finder out of and found this little Point and Shoot 35mm film camera for $4.99.

It's not much but has a 27mm lens and finder to match. In fact the finder is about as big and clear as anything I've ever seen..

The back element measures a whopping one inch diagonally. That is huge. I was about to start ripping it out when it occured to me that since I don't have the DP1 yet it might be fun to see what this relic could do. I put in some batteries and it fired right up. It has focus lock and adjusts the flash compensation. The lens is an all glass 27mm f6.3. If I snap anything worthwhile with it, I'll post it here.

ciao bONGO