Kids R Kool
Taking pictures of kids has become such a delicate issue in our culture I even hesitated making this blog entry about them.
But, then I suppose that's even more reason to do it. I sheldom take pictures of kids anymore, just 'cause of the flak potential from parents.

Outside of being as discreet and respectful as possible I don't know what to say -but then shouldn't you always try pretty much to be that way with all peeps?

Yeah, shooting kids is a tricky thing. You certainly don't want to concentrate on 'em, but you sure don't want to except them out either. The thing is, they're so damn expressive- they react to a situation in a much rawer way. I often lay off of the kid shots because it seems way too easy, but then again a lot of my best stuff works entirely because what is going on with the kid completely punctuates the scene.
well put. Bums, Kids, and dogs seem to really stand out on the streets - Maybe cause they don't sip lattes or have cell phones.
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