Sting Like A Bee...
In a previous post I talked about the importance for a hipshooter to master the art of judging distance - to float like a butterfly - which was famously one key to Muhammad Ali's greatness in the ring. The other was his ability to - Sting Like A Bee!
The ability to deliver maximum impact- to sting - requires lightening reflexes and perfect timing. Stand on a corner and as cars whiz by raise camera and take a SNAP of a speeding car just as the front tire aligns with a white line of a cross walk. Start with the camera lowered, then raise, pan (if necessary) and SNAP! Try to get the tire dead centered on the line. Do it again, do it again, do it again. It's not easy. But you'll be amazed at how this simple exercise invigorates your senses, tunes your reflexes, your timing.
Yeah baby, float like a butter fly - STING like a bee...