Tuesday, May 1, 2007

..float like a butterfly

After a few rounds, Muhammad Ali would drop his gloves, offer his chin as target and never get hit. Having spent countless hours in the ring sparring, Ali had become an expert at one thing that would seperate him from all boxers that had come before or were to come after. He had become an expert at estimating distances.

If you are to float down the street and shoot from the hip, then you too must become an expert at estimating distances. And to do that you must hit the bricks and train, burn frames until you know exactly what distance to be and what camera angle to maintain to get a full body shot of a passerby.

No decapitations. No toe chops. Head and toes baby... float like a butterfly.

1 comment:

jmac said...

Bongo , your color street work is in a class by itself.