Saturday, May 12, 2007


That inch and a half space on the front of your camera is valuable real estate. You paid for it. Use it to your advantage.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering about the K10... does the mirror/shutter noise bother you on the street?


bONGO said...

YES... and no. It goes "ka-chunk", instead of "click" like a "regular" camera and although not quiet,in an open enviornment, the sound doesn't seem to travel well - which helps.

Shutter noise is something if you think too much about you tend to loose your nerve so I'm kinda in denial about it.

But yeah, shutter noise and the fact that the camera is the size of a loaf of bread are it's two weakest points as a street cam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Really like your pictures... inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Bongo I didn't realize that you're using a big camera like this for your street work, I was always visualizing you walking with some kind of a digital rangefinder camera

bONGO said...

Now you know the depth of my depravity. I need counseling.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested to know how you did this - did you fill in the existing lettering and paint over it? Or stick something over the top. Or... what?

bONGO said...

I used the materials shown in the pic.
1. Cut to fit black plastic tape and apply over name plate.
2. I used 1/4"Chartpak Vinyl Lettering - available at graphic art supply stores. Just put the middle letter on first, then the ones on either side and so on till you either run out of letters or space :)

Funny when I was doing this I was thinkin this would be great for DAN SHOT ME. Or you could put SMILE, or for the kinds a places you hang SHOW TITS, etc. :)

Anonymous said...

Doh! I should really learn to look at photos properly.

I was thinking of Dan Shot Me as well, although to really work it would have to have the right logotype.

An alternative, good for implicit agreement for photos, would be to cover up the last two letters on my camera's name badge, and turn it into a "Can I?"