Saturday, December 22, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Bat Street Photography
Here's one fresh off the frontal lobes - Bat Street Photography (BSp)
Posted by bONGO at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Camera Color Coincidence
Coincidence - when two unrelated events appear to be arranged or have some causal connection.
Color Coincidence - when it involves color.
Yes, I enhanced the colors in all three photos - but the man in the first photo really was wearing red and yellow, and the man in the second really was wearing purple. But and this is a big BUT - if they were not I could have easily have changed them to achieve "color coincidence".
However in the third photo we know from life experience that those colors are true - that curbs by fire hydrants and driveways are painted yellow, that Yellow Tail wine uses a yellow tailed kangaroo in it's ads and this adds a certain cash value to the color coincidence that the others lack.
Posted by bONGO at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Street Pano Head # 3
Okay.. I'm burned out on this project - but here goes: The latest NOT field tested prototype.
and then you use it like this:The plastic bottle neck attaches at the nodal point using a cable tie and the rotates around the dowel. The concept I think is reasonable sound, the execution could use some refinements. That's it for now.
Posted by bONGO at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Street Pano Head
I am not very patient but I am persistant, an odd combination that sometimes leads me down strange paths. This is one of them. I wanted to make a pano- head for the street snake. The basic criteria required something to hold the camera vertical and allow easy panning around the nodal point. I went to Lowes and bought this: And made this:The camera mounts vertically placing the handle right under the nodal point. The camera swivels on the bolt, and the street snake attaches to the eye bolt. I was testng it and seemed to work okay but then it broke - right where the two pieces of aluminum are epoxied. A nut and bolt would solve the problem...
But then I got a "better" idea, so (chapter TWO) I got this stuff-
But, and it pains me to admit this.. it seems a little clumsy and ominous for street work... and... I have a much better idea. Cheap, easy, effective, transparent on the street... stay tuned for the THIRD (and final?) CHAPTER.
Posted by bONGO at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Down But Not Out
I've been working on an exciting new piece of Street Photography gear that I was hoping to debut tonight. I'd made a working prototype and was taking pictures of it - when it broke. Fortunately there is a fix but it means a few days delay.
And as I'm writing this rather off-the-cuff fill-in post, I realized that I'm really into problem solving. Even my approach to Street Photography and Art in general is that it is a problem to be solved. But while there are technical and graphic code quandarys the Truth as it is revealed to me is that Art is NOT a crossword puzzle nor a quadratic equation.
Art is Fashion. And if you are a Street Photographer or an Artist of any stripe, then you are in the Fashion Industry.
Art is fashion. Art is a hemline.
Posted by bONGO at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
When it comes to displaying your photos...The Web is cool. Books are nice.
But that was then and this is NOW - for works in sizes up to 18" x 24" - the bONGO BOX:
If you don't have a miter saw nor clamps for gluing make the cradle using straight cuts, then use books or something heavy to weight down the pieces until the glue dries.
Then sand as needed and paint. Next apply double stick archival tape to the back of the photo and attach it to the MDF (for long term display first glue acid-free paper to the MDF).
Now the last step - fasten the acrylic box using clear silcone sealant around the outside seam where the box touches the MDF - and voila!
Posted by bONGO at 7:14 PM 108 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Set Theory
When I first put my street photos on bONGOLIA, I loosely organized what I had at the time into groups of about ten images that seemed more or less to go together and called that a SET. Since that time whenever I get a new batch of nine or ten keepers I upload them and also call that a SET. But I think the term SET in photography should mean something more than "the latest wad of snaps I took". A SET should be a carefully constructed group of images organized around an implicit or explicit principle or theme. And the order of display should be just as considered as the selection of images.
Posted by bONGO at 6:48 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Finding Voice
The screenwriter had written something to the effect that "the Frat Boy's boombox pops on and a window shatters into a shower of glass."
Rob Reiner critiquing the script suggested that instead of the glass shattering that the glass just rattle in its frame.
A different way of saying the same thing - that the boombox was turned up WAY loud. These two images at a certain level are saying the SAME thing. One is shattering glass, the other rattling. Find your voice.
Posted by bONGO at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Wall Walker shot is to Street Photography... what Fruit Still Life is to painting.
and the Street to change it, mix it up, if only in an incremental fashion...
Posted by bONGO at 9:23 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Precepts of Perception
Cross dominance, where your favored eye is opposite that of favored hand occurs in about three percent of the population. It's easy to test: with both eyes open, raise your hand and point to an object at least 20 feet away, then alternately close your left eye and then your right. The one that stays focused on the target is your dominant eye.
I have always been left eye dominant - until recently. Somehow my right eye has taken over. It's very disconcerting to me. I've thought, maybe I'm becoming more analytical in my approach to visual arts, more "left brained" in my thinking, and thus the shift in eye dominance. There is some evidence according to an article in the Oxford Journals that this might indeed be what has happened.
Posted by bONGO at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Street Snake
How slow can you go? StreetSnake - available at better hardware stores everywhere - tell 'em bONGO sent you.
The was shot - as pictured - with a 25mm (35mm equiv) lens and ONE SECOND exposure using the StreetSnake ONE SECOND exposure, 105mm(35mm equiv.) lens and StreetSnake...
Posted by bONGO at 8:41 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Title Tempest
Are titles important? What would the impact have been on these famous works if they had used these alternate titles?
But do we really want our works to be known as "dcr112378.jpg" or some such? What is the right approach? Hopefully you're not expecting an answer from me at this point, but I can proffer this -
Title only for good reason, and after careful consideration....
"Cosmonautics" by bONGO...
Posted by bONGO at 8:25 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Second Sight
So this blind guy comes out of a building and his cane is bouncin around like a metranome at a polka party - bam bam bam bam he's whacking the sidewalk with these high-stick arcs, people ducking for cover. Down the block I see this guy sitting on a ledge, back turned, totally absorbed with a book - and I know these two are on a collision coarse for a SP moment. Only I'm a couple yards behind the blind swordsman, way out of position, so I scramble bobbin, weavin around parked cars and just get to the sweet spot with about a half-second to spare. I gotta fire from the hip - no time to line up just snap and ... the scene goes down exactly as predicted... but
When I get back to the homestead I see that I've chopped off the blind guy's head and torso and there's this weird dutch angle goin on and I'm bummed. That's where things sat for a few days and then slowly the fog of preconceived notions began to burn off and where I had once seen a botched attempt to capture a pratfall I now saw a complex geometry and mystery unfold. Had second sight saved me from my blind ambition - or was it just more masturbation ? I'll stop when I need glasses.
Posted by bONGO at 6:40 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Kids R Kool
Taking pictures of kids has become such a delicate issue in our culture I even hesitated making this blog entry about them. But, then I suppose that's even more reason to do it. I sheldom take pictures of kids anymore, just 'cause of the flak potential from parents.
Posted by bONGO at 12:24 PM 2 comments