140L Grip
Sometimes the best shot is not in front of you but to your left or right or behind you or some point in between. And sometimes, a lot of times, you can't turn and face the subject 'cause if you do the shot won't be there anymore. So you need to develop goofy grips - weird ways of holding the camera that allow aiming in different directions while maintaining a secure platform to trip the shutter.
One that I use often is the 140L - camera braced securely against arm and chest with the lens pointing one hundred forty degrees to the left of center. This grip is amazingly stable and remarkably accurate to "sight". If shoulders are kept square when you turn your head you will be looking in the same 140 degree direction as the lens. What you see will be what you get. As always misdirection need be applied as well to make it work.
"Noticed" - (c)bongo 2005 - was made possible with the help of the 140L goofy grip.
This is great! I'll be sure to try it. I already make plenty good use of your "Cartier-Bresson wings".
One question, bongo. What sort of wrist strap are you using? I have a hakuba which is okay as far as it goes, but that would never let me get it that far on to my hand in that position.
Alan mine is made by "quantaray" - got it at a local camera shop - here is the exact same thing branded "kalt"
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