The idea is to attach a woman's compac mirror to reflect the LCD of a DSLR for waist level viewing.
I chose the SCUNCI compac - made in the People's Republic Of China and available in North America from the Kmart Corporation for about $3US (tell them bONGO sent you). The SCUNCI compac mirror stays put at any angle is small enough not to interfere with the viewfinder yet big enough to reflect the full LCD of a Pentax K10D.
Drill a hole through the magnified mirror side and attach to the tripod socket - or a strip of gaffer's tape can be used to hold the SCUNCI to the base. The image will be upsidedown and since DSLRs do not have live pre-view, you'll have to first make a "framing" exposure. SCUNCI- when you need to check more than your lipstick.
I've been thinking of using a mirror with my (LCD live view) digital camera. The suitability of the compact make-up mirror hadn't occurred to me though.
Should work fine. Getting one that stays put at an angle is a plus. Also doesn't work too good if camera is on the ground and aiming up, as the mirror angle becomes too acute.
bongo... is this cricket old chap? ;-)
Well, some say hipshots are just "luck" 'cause you're not lookin thru the finder - but hipshooters might think the mirror is cheatin.
Well written article.
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