Street Addiction
More often than not a good photo depends on factors beyond your control. If you have good skills, some talent and are diligent you can boost the odds a little, but the bottom line is Street photography is gambling.
More often than not a good photo depends on factors beyond your control. If you have good skills, some talent and are diligent you can boost the odds a little, but the bottom line is Street photography is gambling.
Posted by
8:24 PM
I had only a narrow angle to aim without shooting into harsh sunlight and waited to the last second to raise and thus reveal the camea. They first hesitated, bunching up, then one turned away while the other one tried to bolt.
Most people when confronted by a stranger pointing a camera at them will either try to:
HIDE by turning away from the camera or blocking their face.
or RUN by walking briskly through or around the spot where the camera is aimed.
In this case it was a split decision.
I took this snap several years ago, and while I like the play of horizontal and vertical lines on the shirts and how the "hider" appears to be contemplating the checkered wall, today I probably wouldn't bother taking the snap. But at the time it was something of a turning point for me. I had successfully predicted their range of behaviour and had used it to my advantage.
Posted by
1:44 PM
The city is a grid where -like data points on a graph - people move about.Moving as directed, as planned, as predicted save for the Quiet Iconoclasts - those with their nascent nudges of non compliance.
Like a jay walker caught in a swath of morning light.
the quiet iconoclasts, the data points that fall off the line.
Posted by
3:19 PM
A Decisive Moment was narrowly averted today when an alert Insecurity Guardian detained a would-be Imagist found with nearly two-and-a-half pounds of plastic Nikon strapped to his wrist.
The suspect appeared to be a street photographer and had concealed on a memory card various jpegs of conscientious consumers carrying shopping bags, swaddled in cell phone cocoons or drip fed from latte cups.
This kind of jpeg, Investigators warned, can easily be uploaded and viewed electronically by foreign operatives. A spokesman for the HomeLand Profit Alliance stated that all persons not conspicously consuming will be prosecuted regardless of the law and those found carrying cameras could face water boarding.
Posted by
6:33 PM